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Abstract: This study examined the physical properties of a three-component mineral binder that is typically used in deep-cold recycling. Test binders were produced using Portland cement, hydrated lime, and cement bypass dust (CBPD) as a byproduct derived from cement production. The suitability of CBPD for use in road binders was assessed. Effects of the three-component binder composition on the setting time, soundness, consistency, and tensile and compressive strengths of the cement pastes and mortars were determined. The pastes and mortars of the same consistency obtained at different w/b ratios were tested. On this basis, the mixture proportions resulting in road binders satisfying the requirements of PN-EN 13282-2:2015 were determined. By mixing cement, lime, and CBPD during the tests, binder classes N1 to N3 were obtained. The replacement of 40% of cement mass with the CBPD high in free lime produced road binders suitable for recycled base layers. The total content of CBPD and hydrated lime in the road binder should not exceed 50% by mass. The potential risk of mortar strength reduction due to KCl recrystallization was discussed.
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