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Abstract: A semi-empirical model describing the variation of the unfrozen water content w u in frozen soil-water systems as a function of temperature has been proposed based on the results of 141 DSC experiments on 6 monomineral soils. Taking into account the postulate of the simplicity of the model, the three-temperature-zone representation of the freezing process is assumed as an alternative to the five-zone image resulting from the DSC experiment. The characteristic temperatures are the freezing (or melting) point T f and the temperature T m , below which the unadsorbed water is all frozen. The main equation of the model describes the variation of the unfrozen water content in the mushy zone between T f and the temperature T m . In addition, the empirical equations for the freezing point and the unfreezable water are given. The model was validated with foreign empirical data. The results show a very good agreement between the simulated and the measured unfrozen water contents.
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