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[830] Artykuł: The traffic noise in the vicinity of the traffic calming measures(Hałas drogowy w pobliżu środków uspokojenia ruchu)Czasopismo: Scructure and Environment Tom: 6, Zeszyt: 3/2014, Strony: 25-31 ISSN: 2081-1500 Opublikowano: 2014 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Grupa MNiSW: Publikacja w recenzowanym czasopiśmie wymienionym w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część B) Punkty MNiSW: 3 YADDA/CEON Słowa kluczowe: hałas drogowy  próg zwalniający  urządzenia uspokojenia ruchu  Keywords: traffic noise  speed bump  traffic calming measure  |
The aim of the study is to analyse and compare the vehicle noise level when driving through the speed bumps and near them. Sound level measurements were taken in selected street cross-sections in Kielce, which are equipped with different types of traffic calming measures. The traffic noise was recorded in one seconds time interval using a manual sound meter. At the same time traffic movement characteristics were being controlled. The vehicle type, driving techniques and the running speed influence elimination allowed to assess the impact of the traffic calming barriers presence and their slowing effect on registered noise values.