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Abstract: Adsorption of phenol and copper(II) ions from model aqueous solutions on spherical activated carbon oxidized with ammonium persulfate under various conditions was investigated. Elemental analysis and adsorption isotherms of water and benzene vapors were employed to assess the extent of modifications of the activated carbon surface. It was demonstrated that adsorption of phenol and Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions could be well described by the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models. Adsorption of phenol decreased with the increasing degree of carbon oxidation as well as its decreasing specific surface area. Adsorption of the Cu(II) ions increased with the increasing degree of carbon surface oxidation indicating an important role of acidic groups in adsorption of metal ions by ion-exchange mechanism. Furthermore, ammonium persulfate was demonstrated to be an efficient oxidizing agent as carbon oxidation under even the mildest conditions (0.1 mol/dm3, 30 min) led to a significant increase in the oxygen bound (about 3-4 times) as well as the Cu(II) ions adsorbed. The amount of the adsorbed phenol decreased only slightly.
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