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Abstract: According to the data contained in the Tabular Summary of Different Types of Historical Immovable Properties Entered into the Register of Monuments by Province [NID, 2016], published by the National Heritage Board of Poland, registries of immovable monuments in Poland, as at 28.09.2016, covered the total of 71,041 sites. The protection of national heritage is, in accordance with Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland [CONSTITUTION, 1997], one of the duties of public authorities. Preservation of national heritage, including historical properties, is not possible without effective protection of monuments. It concerns, amongst others, the processes related to real properties, including their subdivision, trading, drawing up and updating the concept of spatial development of the country – the studies of the conditions and directions for spatial development of municipalities and local spatial development plans, etc. For the purpose of the following paper, selected principles of real estate management in Poland and other European countries were presented. What is more, investigation was made of the settlements included in chosen local spatial development plans concerning the conditions aiming at protection of historical immovable properties. Furthermore, the role of spatial information systems as well as modern surveying and photogrammetrical technologies of measurements in the management of historical monuments was outlined.
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