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[73490] Artykuł: The Concept of Annular Channels Application on the Spraying Nozzle Needle of Modern Fuel Injector in the Aspect of Combustion Process ImprovementCzasopismo: Automotive Safety, 2018 XI International Science-Technical Conference Strony: 1-7ISBN: 978-1-5386-4578-9 Wydawca: IEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA Opublikowano: 2018 Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych: 1.00 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Materiały z konferencji międzynarodowej (zarejestrowane w Web of Science) Punkty MNiSW: 15 Klasyfikacja Web of Science: Proceedings Paper ![]() Keywords: ecological safety of motor vehicles  ecological safety of a vehicle  fuel atomisation  fuel injector  fuel-air mixture combustion  internal combustion engine.  |
The research objective of this project is to assess the possibility of making and applying annular channels on a non-operating element of spraying nozzle needle with catalytic additive and without it. The purpose of structural modifications being made is to improve the process of fuel-air mixture combustion by a compression ignition engine. The task of annular channels is to improve fuel atomisation in the combustion chamber and increase turbulent phenomena in the fuel injector spraying nozzle. A catalytic material, in the form of platinum, being applied on annular channels is to induce the dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons of the paraffin group being comprised in fuel to the olefin group with production of a free molecule of hydrogen. In addition, experimental tests were performed in a specialist laboratory to check the parameters of examined fuel injector whether they did not worsen after making the structural modifications being described. The proposed modifications are a novel idea which has never been used yet. In addition, the application of the above solution simultaneously fits into the current directions related to reducing the harmful effects of piston combustion engines on the natural environment, and thus to improve the ecological safety of motor vehicles.