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[72540] Artykuł: Share of small and medium-sized enterprises in stimulating the socio-economic development of the swietokrzyskie province communes (Poland) in the years 1995-2013Czasopismo: Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development: Economic, Management, Finance and System Engineering from the Academic and Practioners Views Strony: 28-40ISBN: 978-80-214-5227-5 Wydawca: BRNO UNIV TECHNOLOGY, FAC BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT, KOLEJNI 2906-4, BRNO, 612 00, CZECH REPUBLIC Opublikowano: 2015 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Grupa MNiSW: Materiały z konferencji międzynarodowej (zarejestrowane w Web of Science) Punkty MNiSW: 15 Klasyfikacja Web of Science: Proceedings Paper ![]() Keywords: Mathematical Methods  Factor Analysis  Regional Economics  Measurement Regional Development  Regional Changes  Commune Economics  |
Purpose of the article The article presents a research method, the use of which has enabled an analysis of the all 102 swietokrzyskie province communes due to their socio-economic level of development.
Methodology/methods Each commune has been characterized by the 37 selected characteristics divided into five groups (factors), named as follows: Enterprise, Society, Finance, Infrastructure and the Natural Environment. For each of the 37 characteristics (described by 102 values) a numeric index in the range [-1, 1] has been created, which allows to compare their importance for the development of a commune. For the five groups of characteristics the numerical measures have been defined, which indicate their importance for the commune development. Their sum stands for the total aggregate measure of socio-economic development of each commune.
Scientific aim Application of this method allowed to extract six types of development of communes (high level of development, rather high, average higher, average lower, rather low and low). The study, in which the so-processed data from the years 1995, 2005, 2009 and 2013 were compared, made it possible to identify communes with significantly improved or worsened socio-economic situation.
Findings Factors conducive improving the socio-economic situation in communes have been identified. After using the aggregate measure of socio-economic development of communes in order to assign them types of development, a relationship between their investment attractiveness (the type of development) and entrepreneurship was examined. This made it possible to determine the contribution of small and medium-sized enterprises in stimulating socio-economic development of the communes in the years 1995-2013.
Conclusions Analysis of measures in the field of factors as well as the total aggregate measure has shown that a decisive impact on socio-economic development of communes have the factors: Enterprise, Finance and Infrastructure. All three factors are strongly connected with SME and entrepreneurship.