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[71080] Artykuł:

Calibration of constitutive equations under conditions of large strains and stress triaxiality

Czasopismo: Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering   Tom: 18, Zeszyt: 4, Strony: 1123-1135
ISSN:  1644-9665
Opublikowano: Wrzesień 2018
Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych:  2.00
  Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Imię i nazwisko Wydział Katedra Do oświadczenia
nr 3
do oceny pracownika
punktów wg
kryteriów ewaluacji
Andrzej Neimitz orcid logo WMiBMKatedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn*Takzaliczony do "N"Inżynieria mechaniczna3310.00.00  
Jarosław Gałkiewicz orcid logo WMiBMKatedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn*Takzaliczony do "N"Inżynieria mechaniczna3310.00.00  
Ihor Dzioba orcid logo WMiBMKatedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn*Takzaliczony do "N"Inżynieria mechaniczna3310.00.00  

Grupa MNiSW:  Publikacja w czasopismach wymienionych w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część A)
Punkty MNiSW: 30

Pełny tekstPełny tekst     DOI LogoDOI    
Słowa kluczowe:

Calibration of constitutive equations  Lode factor  Stress triaxiality 


Calibration of constitutive equations  Lode factor  Stress triaxiality 


Constitutive equations were calibrated to improve their application in assessing a stress
field in front of a crack under the conditions of large strains and stress triaxiality. The Bai–
Wierzbicki method was adopted, and certain changes and new terms were introduced to
incorporate material softening. Five shapes of specimens were tested to cover a wide range
of stress triaxiality conditions and Lode factors. Tests were performed at three different
temperatures, namely, +20 8C, –20 8C, and –50 8C, and on three different materials obtained
by three different heat treatments of S355JR steel.


Constitutive equations were calibrated to improve their application in assessing a stress
field in front of a crack under the conditions of large strains and stress triaxiality. The Bai–
Wierzbicki method was adopted, and certain changes and new terms were introduced to
incorporate material softening. Five shapes of specimens were tested to cover a wide range
of stress triaxiality conditions and Lode factors. Tests were performed at three different
temperatures, namely, +20 8C, –20 8C, and –50 8C, and on three different materials obtained
by three different heat treatments of S355JR steel.