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[66110] Artykuł: FORMATION OF THE STEAM PHASE IN SUPERHEATED LIQUIDS IN THE STATE OF METASTABLE EQUILIBRIUMCzasopismo: Eastern - European Journal of Enterprise Technologies Tom: 5, Zeszyt: 5(89), Strony: 35-43ISSN: 1729-4061 Opublikowano: 2017 Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych: 1.00 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Recenzowana publikacja w języku innym niż polski w zagranicznym czasopiśmie spoza listy Punkty MNiSW: 1 ![]() ![]() Keywords: superheated liquid  vaporization  heat and mass exchange in metastable liquids  mathematical modeling  |
The results of studies of vaporization processes in liquids in a metastable state were presented. Regularities of heat and mass exchange in thermodynamically unstable liquids (superheated liquids) were considered. A mathematical model of the mutual dynamic effect of boiling drops of a multicomponent liquid was developed with the help of which the level of dynamic effects was estimated from the point of view of possibility of fragmentation of drops of the primary mixture. Accuracy of the known criterion equations for the described homogenization technology was estimated. It was shown that instability of the Rayleigh-Taylor type has the greatest effect on fragmentation of drops.
In the study of the velocity and pressure fields, data were obtained that show that in the inter-bubble space of the ensemble, even with monotonically expanding bubbles, there are sharp jumps in pressures and velocities characteristic of the turbulent flow. This type of flow contributes to intensification and stimulation of heat and mass exchange and hydrodynamic processes in the liquid phase of the bubble system.
The obtained dependences make it possible to qualitatively assess critical forces sufficient for the thermodynamic fragmentation of the secondary phase. The time and energy parameters necessary for fragmentation of drops were determined. They depend on the temperature and size of the disperse phase. The proposed method for determining basic thermodynamic parameters of superheated liquid and vapor is necessary for predicting energy parameters of the thermodynamic homogenization technology.