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Abstract: The development of the Bayesian logistic regression model classifying the road accident severity is dis-cussed. The already exploited informative priors (method of moments, maximum likelihood estimation,and two-stage Bayesian updating), along with the original idea of a Boot prior proposal, are investigatedwhen no expert opinion has been available. In addition, two possible approaches to updating the priors,in the form of unbalanced and balanced training data sets, are presented. The obtained logistic Bayesianmodels are assessed on the basis of a deviance information criterion (DIC), highest probability density(HPD) intervals, and coefficients of variation estimated for the model parameters. The verification of themodel accuracy has been based on sensitivity, specificity and the harmonic mean of sensitivity and speci-ficity, all calculated from a test data set. The models obtained from the balanced training data set have abetter classification quality than the ones obtained from the unbalanced training data set. The two-stageBayesian updating prior model and the Boot prior model, both identified with the use of the balancedtraining data set, outperform the non-informative, method of moments, and maximum likelihood esti-mation prior models. It is important to note that one should be careful when interpreting the parameterssince different priors can lead to different models.
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