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[55410] Artykuł: INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF PORE FORMATION BASED MATERIALS HYDROSILICATESCzasopismo: Energy, Energy Saving and Rational Nature Use Tom: 2, Zeszyt: 5, Strony: 98-107ISSN: 2409-658X Opublikowano: 2016 Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych: 0.70 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Grupa MNiSW: Recenzowana publikacja w języku innym niż polski w zagranicznym czasopiśmie spoza listy Punkty MNiSW: 5 Pełny tekst Słowa kluczowe: gas hydrates  mathematical model  two-dimensional element  thermal conductivity.  Keywords: gas hydrates  mathematical model  two-dimensional element  thermal conductivity.  |
Developed two-dimensional mathematical model and a computer program for calculating the decomposition process of gas hydrate. The research results can be applied to reduce gas losses during storage and transport of gas hydrates in equilibrium conditions.
Developed two-dimensional mathematical model and a computer program for calculating the decomposition process of gas hydrate. The research results can be applied to reduce gas losses during storage and transport of gas hydrates in equilibrium conditions.