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[54860] Artykuł: Cloud Architecture for IoT-Based Monitoring Services Using Query by Shape Object IdentificationCzasopismo: DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering Strony: 326-330ISSN: 2475-8841 ISBN: 978-1-60595-403-5 Wydawca: DESTECH PUBLICATIONS, INC, 439 DUKE STREET, LANCASTER, PA 17602-4967 USA Opublikowano: Listopad 2016 Seria wydawnicza: DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych: 0.50 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Materiały z konferencji międzynarodowej (zarejestrowane w Web of Science) Punkty MNiSW: 15 Klasyfikacja Web of Science: Proceedings Paper Pełny tekst DOI Web of Science Keywords: Monitoring system  Object identification  Image retrieval  Internet of things  |
Usually in existing cities there are many different surveillance systems which are deployed inside and outside the buildings, for instance monitoring systems within private companies, inside households, in public institutions and also on the streets throughout the whole city. These systems function independently and in their traditional form they are supervised only by a human operator, who may potentially fail to notice some important events recorded by stationary cameras. In this paper we present a cloud architecture for monitoring services which allows the integration of these systems. Our approach is consistent with the idea of Internet of Things and with the concept of Smart City. Because reliability of a monitoring system is very important, computer vision algorithms can be used for automated detection of objects in a video signal. Our goal is to build the real-time system efficient at robust identification of objects on the basis of their approximate shape, which can also be used as a web service in a cloud. Object identification task is performed using our Query by Shape (QS) method.