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[48364] Artykuł: The design of an inertial testbed for the tests of gearboxesCzasopismo: Scientific Journals, Maritime University of Szczecin Tom: 111, Zeszyt: 39, Strony: 67-73ISSN: 1733-8670 Opublikowano: 2014 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Grupa MNiSW: Publikacja w recenzowanym czasopiśmie wymienionym w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część B) Punkty MNiSW: 5 ![]() Keywords: gearboxes  experimental tests  designing testbeds  |
The paper presents the technical assumptions and the design of a testbed suitable for conducting experimental tests of gearboxes. In the case of drivetrain assemblies, most often they are built on testbeds, much more seldom in vehicles. Experimental tests constitute a broad field due to the differentiation of functions of individual assemblies and their components in the drivetrain system of cars and machines. Conducting simulation tests (on simulation testbeds) consists in the possibly faithful recreation of real operating conditions of an assembly in a vehicle. The testbeds for such tests are complex and expensive but the obtained results are more reliable and more precisely, than in the case of other methods, take into consideration the impact of different operating loads on the durability of the research object. Due to the extent of the topic, this study is only the introduction to the design work whose aim is to prepare the design of a testbed.