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Abstract: In the work the effect of natural clinoptilolite and containing NH4+ ions, after ions exchange, on the expansion of alkalis with reactive gravel reaction has been examined. The experiments have shown that addition of 20% of natural clinoptilolite firstly decreases expansion, but after 1170 days it increases to 0.162 %. The addition of clinoptilolite with NH4+ ions, partially substituting Na+ ions, the diminution of expansion to 0.004% has caused. However, the expansion of the mortars without clinoptilolite addition was reaching 0.76%. The experimental results for mortars with clinoptilolite containing NH4+ ions were showing that this addition has the effect of decreasing this expansion very effectively.
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a) ASTM C 227 - 10 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement- Aggregate Combinations (Mortar-Bar Method).
b) ASTM C 1260 - 07 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar-Bar Method).
c) PN-EN 1015-3:2000 Metody do badań zapraw murowych – część 3: Określenie konsystencji świeżej zaprawy (za pomocą stolika rozpływu).