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[37184] Książka: Classical Mechanics. Applied Mechanics and MechatronicsISBN: 978-1-4614-3977-6Wydawca: Springer Rok wydania: 2013 Seria wydawnicza: Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics Numer w serii wydawniczej: 30 Liczba stron: 250 Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych: 12.50 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Grupa MNiSW: Autorstwo monografii naukowej w języku: angielskim, niemieckim, francuskim, hiszpańskim, rosyjskim lub włoskim Punkty MNiSW: 25 biblioteka PŚk Keywords: applied mechanics  dynamics and control of gyroscopes  mechatronics  rigid body dynamics  self  guided systems  |
This is the final volume of a triad of works by Jan Awrejcewicz (this third book with Zbigniew Koruba) devoted to classical mechanics. Classical Mechanics: Mechanics and Mechatronics presents a unique approach to studying mechanical and electromagnetic processes occurring in applied mechanics and mechatronics with emphasis on theory, modeling, and analysis and control of gyropscopic devices, including military applications. This volume address a wide spectrum of graduate students, postgraduate students, researchers, and instructors from the field of mechanics, this volume, and has a strong focus on advanced applications that will be of particular use and interest to engineers and designers practicing in the mechanical/mechatronic industry.