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[34244] Artykuł: Possibilities of graphical environment application for determining parameters of the mechanical systemCzasopismo: Journal of KONES Tom: 18, Zeszyt: 4, Strony: 151-164ISSN: 1231-4005 Opublikowano: 2011 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Publikacja w recenzowanym czasopiśmie wymienionym w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część B) Punkty MNiSW: 7 ![]() ![]() Keywords: mechanical system parameters  the coefficient of stiffness  damping  graphical environment  |
The article discusses the possibility of using LabView graphical environment for visualization and quick and easy identification of parameters of the dynamic system. For further analysis a human driver model, sitting in a car seat, fastened with seatbelts is used. This model consists of eight rigid solids. The solids reflect parts of the human body. In the model head and neck are separate segments. The torso is divided into three parts: upper torso, middle torso and lower torso. In this model also a leg is a separate segment. The leg is divided into three parts: thigh, lower leg and foot. The individual solids are connected by torsionally vulnerable joints. Additionally a seat back was modelled too, which limits the movement of three segments of the torso. Similarly as in the standard car with the seat equipped with a three-point safety belt, in the model presented in this article, the location of the upper and lower seat belt was modelled and shown. The whole model has two frames of reference. For this purpose, a graphical language program was developed, in which by changing the settings of analogue units representing parameters such as mass ratios, stiffness, damping, moments of inertia, it is possible to determine the impact of these parameters on the delay shapes, speed, energy, etc.