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Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the application of the Trefftz method to the calculation of the two-dimensional (2D) temperature field in the boiling refrigerant flow through an asymmetrically heated vertical minichannel with a rectangular cross-section. The considerations were limited to determining the temperature of the continuous phase – liquid for bubbly and bubbly-slug flow. The numerical solution found with the Trefftz methods was compared with the simplified solution. For nucleate boiling, heat transfer coefficient at the heating foil – liquid contact was determined.Design/methodology/approach – The Trefftz method was used to determine 2D temperature distributions for the glass pane, the heating foil and the boiling liquid. The temperature fields were approximated by the sum of the particular solution and the linear combination of suitable Trefftz functions. Coefficients of linear combination were computed using experimental data, including heating foil temperature measurements obtained with the liquid-crystal method and experimentally determined void fraction. The computations were based on the Trefftz method supplemented with the adjustment calculus.Findings – The way of solving direct and inverse problems of heat conduction in solid bodies (isolating glass, heating foil) and in liquids (boiling refrigerant flowing through the minichannel) was presented. For the first time, both 2D temperature fields for the heating foil and the boiling liquid were calculated while simultaneously using the Trefftz method. The known temperature values of the foil and liquid allowed the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient and the heat flux at the heating foil-liquid contact. Adjustment calculus implemented into the Trefftz method was used to smooth the measurement data and to reduce their errors.Practical implications – The approach proposed in the paper can be applied to determining 2D temperature field, heat flux and heat
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