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Abstract: The following work presents research of driver behaviour in pre-accident situations conducted on Kielce Car Track within a research project N509016 31/1251. The aim of the following research work is the completion and extension of the knowledge concerning reaction times and an update to an existing data base. At the same time, driver behaviours in a particular pre-accident situation are analysed. The tests are conducted with a relatively big group of drivers, of different age and different driving experience. Reaction times are determined for three event scenarios, as it was previously mentioned, the type of scenario can significantly influence on obtained values of these times. The research conducted in a pre-arranged risk situation, where an obstacle in a form of a car mock-up suddenly forces its way into a road area with a simultaneous limitation of "room" for a manoeuvre by a lorry mock-up moving on the opposite lane and opposite direction. This work presents the pattern and scenario course of a pre-accident situation selected for tests. Measuring equipment and movable mock-ups used for research were characterised. There were presented selected, preliminary results of three trials characterised by different values of risk time (different level of accident risk). The following article presents the patterns of the first pre-accident situation under research, the research method and example research results obtained on Kielce Track.
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