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[27165] Rozdział: Modelling Properties of Materials Used as a Matrix in Diamond-Impregnated Tools(Modelowanie własności materiałów używanych na osnowy narzędzi metaliczno-diamentowych)w książce: Innovative manufacturing technology 2013 ISBN: 978-83-931239-7-0 Wydawca: Instytut Zaawansowanych Technologii Wytwarzania Opublikowano: 2013 Miejsce wydania: Kraków Liczba stron: 9 Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych: 1.00 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Rozdział w książce niepunktowanej Punkty MNiSW: 0 Słowa kluczowe: kobalt  diament  osnowa metaliczna  Keywords: cobalt  diamond  metallic matrix  |
The paper presents modelling mechanical properties of materials used as matrices in diamond impregnated tools. Five powder metallurgy materials were manufactured by the hot press process from various combinations of cobalt (Co SMS, Co Extrafine), carbonyl iron (Fe CN) and tungsten (WP30) powders. After consolidation the specimens were tested for density, hardness and tensile properties. The stress/strain fields around a diamond particle in a matrix were been obtained by computer simulations. Computer simulations were performed for the protruding diamond particle after hot pressing and after loading with an external force. The effective use of diamond impregnated tools strongly depends on mechanical properties of the matrix, which has to hold the diamond grits firmly. The diamond retention capability of the matrix is affected by interactions between the diamond crystal and the matrix during the segment manufacture. It was assumed that the matrix potential for diamond retention can be associated with the amount of the elastic and plastic deformation energy. The stress and strain fields generated in the matrix were calculated using the Abaqus software.