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[23834] Artykuł:

Rapid prototyping of fuzzy controller pneumatic servo-system

Czasopismo: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology   Tom: 40, Zeszyt: 3-4, Strony: 349-361
ISSN:  0268-3768
Opublikowano: Styczeń 2009
  Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Imię i nazwisko Wydział Katedra Procent
Jakub Emanuel Takosoglu orcid logoWMiBMKatedra Urządzeń Mechatronicznych**335.00  
Ryszard Filip Dindorf orcid logoWMiBMKatedra Urządzeń Mechatronicznych**335.00  
Paweł Andrzej Łaski orcid logoWMiBMCentrum Laserowych Technologii Metali**335.00  

Grupa MNiSW:  Publikacja w czasopismach wymienionych w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część A)
Punkty MNiSW: 15
Klasyfikacja Web of Science: Article

Pełny tekstPełny tekst     DOI LogoDOI     Web of Science Logo Web of Science     Web of Science LogoYADDA/CEON    

Electro-pneumatic servo-drive  Servo-valve  Rodless cylinder  Fuzzy control  Positioning  Teachingplay-back control 


The results of simulation and experimental tests conducted for pneumatic servo-drive with FLC (fuzzy logic controller) are presented. For positioning control and teaching/play-back control of pneumatic servo-drive, a fuzzy PD (proportional-derivative) controller was designed and constructed by means of xPC Target software of Matlab-Simulink package for rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The non-linear simulation model of pneumatic servo-drive was constructed and used to tune fuzzy PD controller by means of Fuzzy Logic Toolbox of Matlab-Simulink package. The fuzzy logic PD controller enables precise positioning of pneumatic servo-drive with the precision specified for industrial manipulators. A lot of simulation and experimental tests were carried on pneumatic servo-drive with fuzzy controller which was used for its transpose and follow-up control. The designed fuzzy system is efficient, stable, and resistant to disturbances and can be applied in any configurations of pneumatic servo-drive without the necessity to tune the regulator, apply signal filtration, or additional operations in track control or restrict the signals generated. Pneumatic servo-drives with teaching/playback control system have considerable practical significance, especially in the control of manipulating machines, manipulators, and industrial robots as well as rehabilitation and physiotherapy manipulators.

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