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[19030] Artykuł: The Drives Behavior in Various Traffic ConditionsCzasopismo: TRANSCOM 2015 11th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS AND POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS - Materiały Knferencyjne Strony: 100-105Opublikowano: Czerwiec 2015 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Recenzowany referat w materiałach konferencyjnych w języku angielskim Punkty MNiSW: 0 Keywords: peak hours  driver behaviour  |
The traffic congestion is a problem for many cities. The citizens complain about stucking in traffic jams and irritate because of wasting their time and money. This situation can cause irritability and unpredictable driver behaviour, leading to collisions and road accidents. Driving in a traffic jam causes frequent use of the accelerator and braking pedal, increasing fuel consumption and air pollution. The aim of this paper is to analyze driver behaviour in various traffic condition.