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[13824] Artykuł:

A study of stable crack growth using experimental methods, finite elements and fractography

Czasopismo: Engineering Fracture Mechanics   Tom: 71, Zeszyt: 9-10, Strony: 1325-1355
ISSN:  0013-7944
Opublikowano: 2004
  Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Imię i nazwisko Wydział Katedra Procent
Andrzej Neimitz orcid logoWMiBMKatedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn*256.00  
Ihor Dzioba orcid logoWMiBMKatedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn*256.00  
Jarosław Gałkiewicz orcid logoWMiBMKatedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn*256.00  
Robert MolasyWMiBMKatedra Podstaw Konstrukcji Maszyn*256.00  

Grupa MNiSW:  Publikacja w czasopismach wymienionych w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część A)
Punkty MNiSW: 24
Klasyfikacja Web of Science: Article

Pełny tekstPełny tekst     DOI LogoDOI     Web of Science Logo Web of Science     Web of Science LogoYADDA/CEON    

in-plane constraint  out-of-plane constraint  stable crack growth  Q-stress  JR curves 


Systematic analysis of the in-plane constraint influence on J-resistance curves is presented. J R curves were also recorded and analyzed beyond the limits of crack extension inside which the stress field can be assumed to be dominated by J-integral. Three steels and four types of specimen: SEN(B), SEN(T), CCT and DENT have been tested. Along with the J R curves the fracture mechanisms have been analyzed with the help of scanning microscopy. The numerical, finite element analysis has been adopted to compute the Q-stresses, as a measure of the in-plane constraint prior to the onset of crack growth. The analysis of the stress field in front of the crack has been performed to check whether the state of stress prior to the crack growth can predetermine the way the crack will grow. It turns out that characteristic features in the J R curves runs can be predicted qualitatively from the Q(a/W) and Q(J) curves. However, there is a good correlation between Q-stress and voids diameters on fractured surfaces. Several patterns in J R curves runs have been observed for tested specimens; e.g. no influence of specimen thickness on J R curves runs was observed for side-grooved specimens. Strong influence of specimen thickness on J R curve shape was observed for non-side-grooved specimens. J R curve run higher for thinner specimens unless they are dominated by plane stress. For bent specimens J R curves run higher for shorter cracks but they run lower for specimens in tension.

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