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[13041] Artykuł: Microclimate in a flat with additional air intakes(Warunki mikroklimatyczne w mieszkaniach z dodatkowymi nawiewnikami powietrza wentylacyjnego)Czasopismo: Structure and Environment Tom: 2, Zeszyt: 1, Strony: 46-52 ISSN: 2081-1500 Opublikowano: 2010 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Grupa MNiSW: Recenzowany referat w materiałach konferencyjnych w języku angielskim Punkty MNiSW: 0 ![]() Słowa kluczowe: warunki mikroklimatyczne budynków  powietrze wentylacyjne  kanały wentylacyjne  stężenie dwutlenku węgla  Keywords: buildingapos  s microclimate conditions  ventilating air  ventilating ducts  carbon dioxide concentration  |
The relation between the gravitational ventilation and distribution of intake openings are presented here. The possibility of installing additional openings to provide sufficient quantity of indispensable air is presented here. These are essential to gas combustion in heating devices. Two different ways of localization of such openings are discussed. The first one is based on making openings supplying the air to external barriers. This results in the limitation of backward duct in ventilating ducts. Simultaneously, the decrease of comfort zone in flats is noticeable. Placing the opening directly in the external barrier causes rapid cooling of flats. This results in feeling of draught. The second solution dealt with placing identical opening in an internal barrier, bordering with the staircase. The effect of such solution was similar to the first one. It was also based on limiting the occurrence of backward ducts inside ventilating ducts. However, in the latter case, we did not notice the deterioration of microclimatic conditions in examined flats.