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[124540] Artykuł: Optimizing the hybrid control structure of the hydraulic actuator with attached vibroisolator.Czasopismo: AIP Conference Proceedings. Zeszyt: 2949, Strony: 020027 1-12Opublikowano: Sierpień 2023 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Recenzowany referat w materiałach konferencyjnych w języku angielskim Punkty MNiSW: 0 ![]() |
This study aims to develop a hybrid control structure for a hydraulic drive system (HDS) that contains a hydraulic actuator with an attached vibroisolator. An applied dynamic solution for a hydraulically actuated telescopic boom with a hydraulic breaker used in a jaw crusher to break rocks was considered in the construction aggregate industry. The actuator barrel was rigidly mounted on the mother boom, and the actuator piston rod was flexibly attached via a vibroisolator to the inner boom of the manipulator. Simulation tests showed that the vibroisolator attached to the actuator effectively isolated the vibrations transmitted to the HDS, induced by the cyclic impact force of the hydraulic breaker. A hybrid control
structure was proposed to improve the efficiency of hydraulic servo control and compensate for the effect of badly damped vibrations on the actuator force. The hybrid control structure consists of a PID feedback controller with a transfer function GPID(z), a feedforward controller with a finite impulse response (FIR) feedforward filter Hf(z,), input shaping filter Hs(z),
dynamic model of the HDS control with a transfer function G(z), and measurement displacement y of the actuator piston as the output signal. The experimental results indicate that the hybrid control structure proposed in this study significantly improves the performance of the HDS excited by the cyclic impact forces generated by a hydraulic breaker