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Abstract: This article investigates the relationships between different chemical compositions of simulated cement concrete pore solutions and changes on the surface of zeolite rock with potassium clinoptilolite as its main component. The changes were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (DTA-TG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Zeolite powder samples and a ground section of 16–64 mm grain were tested. The simulated pore solutions were based on Ca, Na, K hydroxides and K2SO4. It was found that 100% of Ca(OH)2 in the systems could react between 7 and 180 days of hydration due to pozzolanic and side reactions. As the degree of clinoptilolite conversion increased, it became more difficult to detect it in X-ray patterns. At the same time, various microstructural changes could be observed. As a result of the reactions that occurred, hydrated calcium silicates, sulfate and carbonate compounds were formed. Potassium hydroxide had a more substantial effect on clinoptilolite reactivity than sodium hydroxide. This effect can be enhanced by the presence of SO23− ions in the solution.
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