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[115410] Artykuł: Design of an electro-pneumatic driving simulator.Czasopismo: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1247 (2022) 012020. Zeszyt: 1247, Strony: 1-7Opublikowano: Czerwiec 2022 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Recenzowany referat w materiałach konferencyjnych w języku angielskim Punkty MNiSW: 0 ![]() |
The paper discusses the construction of a car driving simulator prototype. The basic design assumptions for the mechanical structure of the simulator platform as well as the drives and control system are presented. A solid model of the device was presented and a solution to its kinematics was proposed to determine the stroke of the driving cylinders as a function of the angular displacement of its members. The issues related to virtual prototyping to determine the trajectory of movement and dynamic quantities characterizing the simulator were presented. The construction of the control system with the use of a dedicated computer control card is discussed. Such a solution enables testing the functions of the simulator control system before its connection with the real simulator. At the same time, the design process has been significantly improved and accelerated.