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[115180] Rozdział: Multi Depot UAVs Routing Subject to Changing Weather and Time Windows Variationw książce: New Solutions and Technologies for Automation, Robotics and Measurement TechniquesISSN: 2194-5357 ISBN: 978-3-031-03502-9 Wydawca: Springer Opublikowano: Kwiecień 2022 Miejsce wydania: Switzerland Seria wydawnicza: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Liczba stron: 10 Liczba arkuszy wydawniczych: 0.51 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Autorstwo rozdziału w monografii z listy wydawnictw 2019 Punkty MNiSW: 20 ![]() Keywords: UAVs fleet mission planning  Vehicle routing problem  Re-routing  |
The presented problem being an extension of well know Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) concerns the routes planning of the UAVs fleet carrying out the deliveries to spatially dispersed impatient customers in a highly dynamic environment within a specified timeframe. The problem under consideration integrates the Capacitated VRP, Split Delivery VRP, Heterogeneous VRP, Multi Depot VRP, Multi-visit VRP as well as VRP with Time Windows. The developed model allows for proactive and reactive delivery missions planning in terms of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem. The sufficient conditions allowing to eliminate unfeasible solutions and thus allow to speed up the calculations have been implemented in decision support procedure aimed at UAVs online routing. The experiments carried out showed the usefulness of the proposed approach in planning of UAVs’ mission performed in dynamic environment.