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[112090] Artykuł: Construction of the Knee Joint of the Dummy Designed for Crash TestsCzasopismo: Transportation Research Procedia Tom: 44, Strony: 121-128ISSN: 2352-1465 Opublikowano: 2020 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Publikacje w czasopismach spoza listy 2019 Punkty MNiSW: 5 ![]() ![]() ![]() Keywords: Dummy  designed  crash test  Hybrid II  joint  |
The article presents the design of the dummy’s knee joint for crash tests. The first attempts to measure the impact of road accidents were carried out on human corpses, animals and volunteers. The data obtained in this way was used to build the first Sierra Sam anthropometric dummy. The first dummies were characterized by a simple construction, and their joints were mostly reminded of simple hinges. Both dummies and their joints over the years have been constantly improved and equipped with sensors that enable the recording of as much data as possible during the crash test. The designed joint is designed to reflect the movement of the human body and allows enable the replacement of the damaged elements with a new one. The dummy will be used for rear crash tests at low speed, because most rear collisions arise as a result of speed mismatching and not effective braking of the vehicle. The stiffness characteristics of the designed knee joint will be compared with the stiffness characteristics of knee joint the Hybrid III dummy. The individual parts of the manikin have a shape, mass and size appropriately representing a 50 percentile man. The designed dummy joint will allow estimating the movement of the dummy’s lower extremities during a low speed crash test.