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[109670] Artykuł: Duffing-type equations: singular points of amplitude profiles and bifurcationsCzasopismo: Acta Physica Polonica B Tom: 52, Zeszyt: 10, Strony: 1239-1262ISSN: 1509-5770 Opublikowano: Wrzesień 2021 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Publikacja w czasopismach wymienionych w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część A) Punkty MNiSW: 70 Pełny tekst DOI |
We study the Duffing equation and its generalizations with polynomial non-linearities. Recently, we have demonstrated that metamorphoses of the amplitude-response curves, computed by asymptotic methods in implicit form as F(Ω, A) = 0, permit prediction of qualitative changes of dynamics occurring at singular points of the implicit curve F(Ω, A) = 0. In the present work, we determine a global structure of singular points of the amplitude profiles computing bifurcation sets, i.e. sets containing all points in the parameter space for which the amplitude profile has a singular point. We connect our work with independent research on tangential points on amplitude profiles, associated with jump phenomena, characteristic for the Duffing equation. We also show that our techniques can be applied to solutions of the form of Ω± = f±(A), obtained within other asymptotic approaches.