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[108320] Artykuł: The Remote Control of the Artillery Rocket Set as a Strongly Nonlinear System Subject to Random LoadsCzasopismo: Electronics Tom: 10, Zeszyt: 1507, Strony: 1-17ISSN: 2079-9292 Opublikowano: Czerwiec 2021 Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy Grupa MNiSW: Publikacja w czasopismach wymienionych w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część A) Punkty MNiSW: 100 ![]() Keywords: control  nonlinear system dynamics  linearization  target tracking  Kalman filter  |
On the modern battlefield, fighting capabilities,such as speed, target detection range, target identification capabilities, and shooting effectiveness, of short-range artilleryrocket sets(ARSs) are constantly being improved. Problems arise when attempting tosuccessfully fire such kits in the face of disruption from both the cannon and the moving platform on which the cannon is mounted. Furthermore, the set is a variable mass system since it can fire anywhere from a few to dozens or even hundreds of missiles in a brief period of time, implying that theARSisa highly nonlinear system of variable parameters (non-stationary). Thiswork shows how to control such asystem. If the ARS is placed on a moving basis where there is bothasystem and measurement noise, the state variables must be restored,and the ARS data must be filtered. Therefore, in addition to the LQR regulator, anextended Kalman filter was used. As a consequence of this synthesis, anLQG (linearquadraticGaussian) regulator of ARS was obtained, which was used to follow the target along the line of sight. The key goal of this paper is to develop control algorithms that will increase the performance of ARS control in elevation and azimuth, as well as the accuracy of achieving and eliminating maneuverable air targets. Moreover, through the quality criterion adopted,we hope toaffect control energy costs while maintaining control precision. Graphical representations of certain computational simulation results are provided.