Pomoc (F2)
[113940] Artykuł:

Assessment of productivity in different thermal working environments

Czasopismo: 10th International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety (SESAM 2021)   Tom: 354, Strony: 1-7
Opublikowano: 2022
  Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Imię i nazwisko Wydział Katedra Do oświadczenia
nr 3
do oceny pracownika
punktów wg
kryteriów ewaluacji
Natalia Krawczyk orcid logo WiŚGiEKatedra Sieci i Instalacji SanitarnychNiedoktorant szkoły doktorskiejInżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka1005.00.00  

Grupa MNiSW:  Publikacje w czasopismach spoza listy 2019
Punkty MNiSW: 5

Pełny tekstPełny tekst     DOI LogoDOI    


In the paper the assessment of subjective productivity is presented as a function of indoor environment parameters on the example of students situated in the intelligent building. The volunteers in several different rooms (of various air temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration) filled in the questionnaires and assessed their current productivity. It might be related to both the educational performance and office work of low intensity. The physical parameters were measured with the microclimate high accuracy meter. The data obtained during the measurements of the indoor air parameters were compared with the subjective assessments of the volunteers and conclusions were drawn as to the impact of the working environment on the productivity of room users. The gathered experimental material might be useful for the building managers, so that proper indoor conditions within buildings might be applied that maximize productivity and working performance.