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[60090] Artykuł:

Enhancement of pool boiling heat transfer with pin-fin microstructures

Czasopismo: Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer   Tom: 23, Zeszyt: 2, Strony: 137-153
ISSN:  1065-5131
Opublikowano: 2016
  Autorzy / Redaktorzy / Twórcy
Imię i nazwisko Wydział Katedra Procent
Łukasz Jan Orman orcid logoWiŚGiEKatedra Sieci i Instalacji Sanitarnych10015.00  

Grupa MNiSW:  Publikacja w czasopismach wymienionych w wykazie ministra MNiSzW (część A)
Punkty MNiSW: 15


extended surface  two-phase flow  structured surface  passive technique 


The paper presents the experimental study of boiling heat transfer augmentation with the use of specially designed and manufactured pin–fin microstructures. The tests have been conducted with distilled water and ethyl alcohol as working liquids under atmospheric pressure. The primary focus of the study was to determine the impact of the geometrical parameters of the microstructures on boiling heat transfer and the performance of such heat exchangers in comparison to the smooth reference surface. The results indicate that the application of the pin–fins can significantly enhance heat transfer, with heat flux being even eight times higher than for the smooth surface. The structures of smaller distance between the microfins and larger heights generally provided better performance, which is undoubtedly related, among other factors, to increased surface area.